of Dan Keppen on behalf of Klamath Water Users
for Field Hearing July 17, 2004
Submitted to the
Subcommittee on Water and Power
House Resources Committee
The Honorable Richard Pombo
House Resources Committee
1324 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515
The Honorable Ken Calvert
House Water and Power Subcommittee
1522 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Chairman Pombo, Chairman Calvert and Members
of the Committee:
Thank you for this opportunity to submit
testimony on behalf of the Klamath Water Users
Association (KWUA). I am Dan Keppen, and I serve
as the executive director for KWUA, a non-profit
corporation that has represented Klamath
Irrigation Project farmers and ranchers since
1953. KWUA members include rural and suburban
irrigation districts and other public agencies,
as well as private concerns who operate on both
sides of the California-Oregon border. We
represent 5,000 water users, including 1,400
family farms that encompass over 200,000 acres
of irrigated farmland.
Three years after Klamath Irrigation Project
(Project) water deliveries were terminated by
the federal government, local water users are
attempting to proactively address water supply
challenges while at the same time trying to
stave off a furious round of attacks launched by
environmental activists. Project irrigators –
who farm on lands straddling the
California-Oregon state line - remain
apprehensive about the future certainty of water
2001 Curtailment of Upper Klamath Lake
Supplies to Klamath Project
In the last 13 years in the Klamath River
watershed, two sucker species were listed (1988)
as endangered and coho salmon were listed (1997)
as threatened under the Endangered Species Act
(ESA). Since then, biological opinions rendered
by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (for the
suckers) and NOAA Fisheries (for the coho), have
increasingly emphasized the reallocation of
Project water as the sole means of avoiding
jeopardizing these fish. The net result of these
restrictions on local water users was fully
realized on April 6, 2001, when the U.S. Bureau
of Reclamation (Reclamation) announced its water
allocation for the Project after USFWS and NOAA
Fisheries officials finalized the biological
opinions (BOs) for project operations in a
critically dry year. Based on those regulatory
actions, Reclamation announced that – for the
first time in Project’s 95-year history - no
water would be available from Upper Klamath Lake
to supply Project irrigators.
The resulting impacts to the local community
were immediate and far-reaching. Thousands of
acres of valuable farmland were left without
water, which, in addition to harming those
property owners, managers, and workers, also
imparted an economic "ripple" effect through the
broader community. The wildlife benefits
provided by those farms – particularly the food
provided for area waterfowl – were also lost
with the water. The local farming community is
still reeling from the April 6, 2001 decision,
and severe business losses echoed the hardship
endured by farmers and farm employees.
2001 Aftermath
In 2001, congressional representatives
serving the Upper Klamath Basin requested that
an independent, unbiased peer review be
conducted of the science and decision-making
that led to the 2001 curtailment. The decision
to reallocate stored water originally intended
for irrigation purposes to the alleged needs of
three fish species protected under the ESA was
questioned by many in the Upper Basin, who felt
that their input was ignored, and that relevant
observed empirical information was discarded by
agency biologists. The National Research Council
(NRC) convened a multidisciplinary panel of
experts to review the 2001 decision, and to
develop long-term recommendations to address the
fishery challenges of the Klamath River
The Final NRC Report
After a yearlong barrage of criticism and
blame stemming from advocates for higher Klamath
River flows, Klamath Project irrigators in
October 2003 were vindicated by long-awaited
findings from the NRC. The final NRC report is
important to local farmers and ranchers for
several key reasons:
- The report clearly indicates that recovery
of endangered suckers and threatened coho
salmon in the Klamath Basin cannot be achieved
by actions that are exclusively or primarily
focused on operation of the Klamath Project.
- The committee also reconfirmed its
findings from an earlier report that found no
evidence of a causal connection between Upper
Klamath Lake water levels and sucker health,
or that higher flows on the Klamath River
mainstem help coho salmon.
- The NRC committee did not accept arguments
that the operation of the Klamath Project
caused the 2002 fish die-off or that changes
in the operation of the Project at the time
would not have prevented it.
Despite the final conclusions, some
environmentalists and many in the media continue
to maintain the sensational but unsupported
position that the Klamath Project was
responsible for the 2002 fish mortality that
occurred over 200 miles from the Klamath
The NRC report is consistent with what Upper
Basin interests have been saying for years: the
Klamath Project cannot solely bear the burden
for species recovery in this basin. A
watershed-wide approach to species recovery –
one that addresses all the stressors to fish –
is essential to improving our environment and
saving our local economy. We share the NRC
report’s vision that increased knowledge,
improved management, and cohesive community
action will promote recovery of the fishes. At
the same time, as discussed below, we remain
extremely concerned that the "business as usual"
approach - regulation of the Klamath Project –
remains the dominant aspect of ESA biological
opinions and advocacy of Project opponents.
The NRC report clearly shows that the Klamath
Project alone cannot solve the problems of the
entire watershed. With that said, water users
want to avoid pointing the finger at other parts
of the watershed in an attempt to shift blame.
Rather, we encourage other areas to take action
towards solving the problem, and we believe that
farmers and ranchers throughout the watershed
have already clearly demonstrated that actions
speak louder than words.
Proactive Efforts of Upper Basin Landowners
Since the early 1990s, local water users –
both within the Klamath Project and those who
farm in upstream areas north of Upper Klamath
Lake – have taken proactive steps to protect and
enhance water supplies, enhance the environment,
and stabilize the agricultural economy. Farmers
and ranchers in the Klamath Project have
consistently supported restoration actions to
improve habitat for the basin’s fish and
wildlife species. Local agricultural and
business leaders have dedicated thousands of
volunteer hours and have spent millions of
dollars in the past ten years to participate in
processes associated with environmental
restoration, Klamath Basin water rights
adjudication, dispute resolution,
drought-proofing, and water supply enhancement.
Most impressive, however, is the multitude of
actions undertaken on-the-ground
- Local efforts to assist National Wildlife
- Ecosystem Enhancement and Sucker Recovery
Efforts in the Upper Basin
- Fish Passage Improvement Projects
- Wildlife Enhancement and Wetland
Restoration Efforts
- Local Efforts to Improve Water Quality
- Power Resource Development
- Efforts to Improve Klamath Project Water
Supply Reliability and Water Use Efficiency
Many of these efforts were driven by an
initial desire to implement meaningful
restoration actions intended to provide some
sort of mitigation "credit" that could be
applied towards reducing the burden carried by
Klamath Project irrigators to "protect"
threatened and endangered fish species. For many
years, that credit was not recognized. For
example, Federal agencies or non-profit
conservation groups have acquired over 25,000
acres of farmland in the Upper Klamath Basin for
habitat purposes. Each time the agencies sought
additional land, they promised that each
acquisition would provide environmental
benefits, reducing pressure on the Klamath
Project’s family farmers and ranchers. Those
promises have not materialized, and
Project irrigation water still remains
the sole regulatory tool used to address federal
ESA objectives for endangered suckers and
threatened coho salmon in the Klamath River
In the past year, our irrigators have finally
begun to get the recognition –if not the actual
regulatory relief - they deserve for their
proactive efforts. To wit:
- KWUA was awarded the 2003 "Leadership in
Conservation" award by the Oregon Department
of Agriculture;
- KWUA, last month, was honored on the steps
of the Oregon state capitol for "exemplifying
the spirit" of the Oregon Plan for Salmon and
- Tulelake Irrigation District in January
received the F. Gordon Johnston award for its
innovative canal lining project completed near
Newell; and
- U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Ann Veneman
and NRCS chief Bruce Knight last month
recognized local rancher Mike Byrne for his
leadership in conservation.
It is clear that our irrigators have not been
idle in the past ten years. Their efforts to
improve their environment are all the more
impressive when you consider that, all the
while, the uncertainty and difficulty associated
with keeping their farming operations profitable
have not diminished.
The Klamath Project Regulatory Regime: 3
Years After the Curtailment
Reclamation’s final 10-year Biological
Assessment for Klamath Project 2002-2012
operations properly incorporates the findings of
the interim NRC report, and generally captures
the essence of the "watershed-wide" philosophy
endorsed in the final NRC report. Unfortunately,
the fishery agency BOs do not. The USFWS opinion
continues to perpetuate the questionable
assumption that lake level management is the
principle mechanism affecting sucker survival in
Upper Klamath Lake (UKL). The NOAA Fisheries
jeopardy decision similarly continues to place
high emphasis on downstream flows. The stored
water developed for Klamath Project farmers
continues to be reallocated to meet the
artificial demands set by agency biologists.
The combined – and apparently, unanticipated
– impacts placed on our community from the
application of the two opinions are
unacceptable. On June 25th, 2003, local
irrigators were told by Reclamation officials
that UKL diversions to the Project would be shut
down for a minimum of 5 days – in the middle of
the growing season. By day’s end, reason
prevailed: the agencies backed off their initial
request and instead, Reclamation notified
farmers to continue their efforts to reduce
diversions from the lake. This was driven by one
apparent agency mission: to avoid dropping UKL
one inch below a lake level requirement
established by the USFWS.
In addition to the continued uncertainty
irrigators face, the opinions are generating
new, unanticipated impacts to the community. In
the past 40 to 50 years, while the cropping
pattern in the Klamath Project has varied from
year to year, the overall planted acreage has
remained consistent. On the other hand, the
2002-2012 biological opinion created by NOAA
Fisheries for coho salmon established the river
flow schedule and an "environmental water bank"
– which ratchets up to 100,000 acre-feet in
2005, regardless of actual hydrologic conditions
– that is the primary source of new demand for
water in the Klamath River watershed. The
result: stored water that has flowed to farms,
ranches and the refuges for nearly 100 years is
now sent downstream at such high levels, that
groundwater pumped from the Lost River basin is
being used to supplement the resulting "coho
salmon demand" in the Klamath River.
It is not the farmers who have imposed new
water demands that, in essence, have made
groundwater the default supplemental supply to
the Klamath Project. It is the opinions of
agency fishery biologists who have fundamentally
altered how our century-old water project
operates, and who have apparently failed to
anticipate the resulting impacts to our
community. While Reclamation in 2002 sharply
disagreed with the findings of both fishery
agency biological opinions, it is not yet clear
how consultation will be reinitiated to create a
new operations plan.
Foster an Incentive-Driven, Not a
Regulation-Driven, Approach
The NRC report questions the current
regulatory structure that governs Klamath basin
fisheries management. In addition to calling for
oversight of current federal agency management,
the NRC report recommends that the management
structure for ecosystem restoration needs to
involve local groups and private landowners in
the design of restoration activities and
investments. The report urges federal management
agencies to recognize the nature of incentives
in the ESA for private landowners to participate
in ecosystem recovery. The report confirms
observations of many landowners in the Upper
Klamath Basin: the regulatory approach of
implementing the ESA, as opposed to the use of
incentives that would encourage landowners to
promote the welfare of species, is viewed by
landowners as more stick than carrot. It
"This perception could be changed by
cooperative arrangements that promote the
welfare of the listed species without
threatening landowners." (emphasis added).
To solve the problems of the Klamath River
watershed, we need a coordinated management
program that spans two states in a watershed
that is characterized by a strong federal
presence. Competition among stakeholder groups –
including four tribes, agricultural water users,
and countless environmental groups – is fierce.
In order to be successful, we need to better
understand the real state of the watershed by
developing the facts and best possible
information to make the best possible decisions.
Environmental sensationalism – like that
promoted in the wake of the 2002 fish die-off -
scare the public and make us more likely to
spend our resources and attention solving
phantom problems while ignoring real and
pressing issues.
We can all thank the Bush Administration for
having the courage and commitment to tackle this
very contentious issue. I am puzzled by critics
who claim that this administration discards
sound science for politics. What we’ve seen here
in the past three years tells a different story.
The Bush Administration in 2001 was literally
handed opinions that shut down our family farms,
and in fact, implemented those opinions. The
Secretary of Interior later in the year asked
the premier independent science body in the land
to assess what happened and to provide long-term
recommendations. With a final report in hand,
the Administration stepped up, and, in the FY
2005 budget request, asked for $105 million to
tackle programs throughout the watershed,
consistent with the NRC Committee findings. So –
tell me again - what’s wrong with this approach?
The answer is – nothing. It’s how you manage
business using a watershed-wide approach.
We hope the NRC report can be used as a
catalyst to improve the collaboration required
to address the basin-wide problems we face. We
know we can develop locally derived solutions to
address most of the NRC report recommendations.
We should do this together, and not wait for the
government or outside interests to do it for us.
It's the only way we can protect the economic
livelihood of our communities.
National Research
Council . 2003. Endangered and Threatened Fishes
in the Klamath River Basin – Causes of Decline
and Strategies for Recovery. Washington, D.C.;
National Academy Press.