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Unveiling Upper Klamath Lake sucker dilemna
by Dan Keppen, 4/20/07
Followed by comments

In the past fourteen years, political and regulatory demands have affected activities at the Klamath Project. In 1988, the short nose sucker and the Lost River sucker, two species that live in Upper Klamath Lake, were designated as endangered under the Endangered Species Act. Biological opinions issued by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) concerning operation of the Klamath Project in recent years have identified actions (with a focus on lake-level management) to avoid jeopardy to the suckers.

What many people do not know is that the most compelling and prominent reason why the federal government justified listing the two sucker species was an abrupt downturn in both populations, starting around the time the attached photograph was taken. Some fisheries experts believe that if USFWS would have properly assessed the known impacts on suckers caused by this young man – and the benefits that resulted from him ceasing his activities - it very likely could have affected the ultimate listing decision.

And now you know….the rest of the story.

Will call "Dave's Bait Shop" (USFWS study/collection center at Headgates) and ask about impacts. Steve Kandra

The issue being overlooked here is the impact on the night crawlers. The son of a gun is in a league by himself when it comes to pulling the slimy, squirming, snotty little buggers out of the ground. In addition, he takes only the largest members of the clan which means he is depleting the breeding stock. Although there was a time when his pursuit of night crawlers was driven by an honorable good old fashion entrepreneur spirit, now that he is fixed the harvest is driven by his lust to catch slimy, squirming, snotty squaw fish, carp, chubs, and other similar species of fish for which there is no redeeming virtue. Bill Ganong 





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