Oregonians for Food and Shelter
August 28, 2009
Terry Witt, Executive
Director 503-569-3300
Paulette Pyle, Grass Roots
Director 503-559-1279
Dear Jacqui,
As we told you in our last correspondence,
Paulette has taken on the responsibility of the
Grassroots Coordinator for the Oregonians
Against Job Killing Taxes campaign.
Between that and preparing for OFS's big event
scheduled for Thursday, September 24th, there
is never a dull moment here!
Please read about the "OFS Evening of Champions"
in the right-hand column and plan to join us.
Contact me for more information or to purchase
your ticket.
I can't believe the Oregon State Fair begins
today - a sure sign that our summer is rapidly
coming to an end. It runs from August 28th to
September 7th.
It you haven't signed the petitions, stop by the
Oregon Republican Party booth during your trip
to the fair - they will have plenty of petitions
and would probably welcome a volunteer or two.
Their booth is located in Columbia Hall - Booth
Enjoy your weekend!
Oregonians Against Job-Killing Taxes (OAJKT)
spearheading tax referendum
Citizens are now gathering signatures to let
voters decide on $733 million in permanent
new personal and corporate income tax
increases Oregon legislators approved in
June - the biggest tax increase in
Oregon history.
The legislature exploited the
short-term economic crisis to pass
two permanent tax increases - one on
business (House Bill 3405), the other on
higher income Oregonians (House Bill 2649).
Legislators say their plan is only a tax on
the rich. They're wrong. We'll end
up paying more for groceries, gas
and other services, and that will impact all
Oregonians, especially the poor.
Oregonians Against Job-Killing Taxes (OAJKT),
a coalition of business and grassroots
organizations is spearheading the
Volunteers are hitting their neighborhoods,
their county fairs and other summer events
looking for 55,179 valid signatures for each
petition by the September 25, 2009
deadline. If the circulators are
successful, the special election to have
ALL Oregonians decide on
these bills would be on January 26, 2010.
If you are interested in signing the
petitions, and are a registered, active
voter in the state of Oregon and have not
already signed, please read on.
You can download a single-signer petition on
the campaign's Website.
To go directly to the page with the
petitions and text of the bills, click here:
Remember there are two petitions, one for
the personal taxes (Petition 301) and one
for the corporate taxes (Petition 302).
Please call us if you are interested in
donating any amount, large or small, to the
If you are interested in circulating a
petition, please contact Paulette Pyle. Our
office number is 503-370-8092 or her cell
phone number is 503-559-1279. Or you can
send an email to
In order to "pack a petition" you need to be
trained. There are trainings being held all
over the state by various organizations
involved with OAJKT. If you'd like to be
trained to gather signatures, we'll get you
in touch with someone who can train you.
Please join the growing OAJKT coalition,
either as an individual or a business or
organization. Visit the campaign Website now
http://www.stopjobkillingtaxes.com/ and
select "Get Involved".
Newsletter from Senator Jeff Kruse,
time to time we feature one of Oregon's
legislators. We have included Senator Kruse's
newsletter from a couple of weeks ago. We
though you would appreciate reading it.
It has been a while since my last newsletter,
simply because my farm has kept me busy seven
days a week starting the day after the
Legislature adjourned. What has been
interesting is the fact most all of the e-mails
and phone calls we have been getting deal with
either the tax increases passed by the 2009
Legislature (which I voted against) or the Obama
healthcare plan. For the purpose of this letter
I will talk about the taxes, as they are the
most time sensitive.
This letter will be very partisan, but it is
that way for a reason. This was the most
partisan session of the Legislative Assembly I
have experienced. Because the Democrats had
super majorities in both Chambers as well as the
governor they were able to pass basically
anything they wanted. They were not interested
in hearing or acting on any alternatives to what
their agenda was and this includes tax and fee
increases totaling close to two billion dollars.
Currently there are petitions available for
signature to put two of the tax measures on the
ballot for a special election in January. I
hope most of you will take the opportunity to
sign. For a group of elected officials to
decide to make such a significant and permanent
change to our tax structure without asking the
opinion of the people is wrong in more ways than
I can count.
They say this is only a tax on the rich and
business, but nothing could be further from the
truth. We all know that small businesses make
up the back bone of our economy and these are
the people who will be paying the majority of
this increase. The Democrats have shown through
their actions they have no real understanding of
how a business operates or the dynamics
necessary to keep a business viable. As only a
small handful of the Democrats currently serving
have ever run a business this might be
marginally understandable. They seem to think
everything is like government and money can be
created out of nothing (or more correctly taken
from someone else).
Under their bill a business will pay taxes even
if it is losing money. How much sense does that
make? These tax increases will cost more
Oregonians their jobs. In the simplest terms
what is being proposed is designed to accomplish
only one thing and that is to protect and grow
government. Not only is this wrong and
unnecessary it will happen by taking even more
money from the private sector which is already
paying too much. Were you aware of the fact
that in the United States we pay more in
federal, state and local taxes than we spend on
food, shelter and clothing combined? I think
enough is enough.
It should also be pointed out that nothing was
done during this Session to make government more
efficient or even accountable for the money they
spend. In fact we are actually growing
government by over 2,500 employees. Republicans
suggested several ways to streamline government
and they were all ignored. At the end of the
day the only part of our economy that is growing
is government and it is happening in a way that
will require even more tax increases in the
The chair of the House Revenue Committee
actually believes creating government jobs
stimulates the economy. I asked a Senate
Democrat in early June (as my frustration was
growing) if there was any part of my life he
didn't want to regulate and his answer was no.
This path of more government, more taxes and
more intrusion into people's lives has got to
stop. I still believe in freedom and personal
responsibility, but we are moving farther and
farther away from these core values. We need to
turn this ship of state around and our first
step needs to be the rejection of these tax
Senator Jeff Kruse
The Omnivore's Delusion: Against the Agri-intellectuals
This article is quite long, but very
well written. Blake Hurst is a farmer
in Missouri. I loved the following
paragraph toward to end of the story
where he talks about the reality of one
hair-brain idea that the liberal writer
Michael Pollan came up with -- mandating
that households compost their waste and
ship it to fertilize farms:
"His (Michael Pollan's) other grand idea
is mandatory household composting, with
the compost delivered to farmers free of
charge. Why not? Compost is a valuable
soil amendment, and if somebody else is
paying to deliver it to my farm, then
bring it on. But it will not do much to
solve the nitrogen problem. Household
compost has somewhere between 1 and 5
percent nitrogen, and not all that
nitrogen is available to crops the first
year. Presently, we are applying about 150
pounds of nitrogen per acre to corn, and
crediting about 40 pounds per acre from
the preceding years soybean crop. Let's
assume a 5 percent nitrogen rate, or about
100 pounds of nitrogen per ton of compost.
That would require 3,000 pounds of compost
per acre. Or about 150,000 tons for the
corn raised in our county. The average
truck carries about 20 tons. Picture 7,500
trucks traveling from New York City to our
small county here in the Midwest,
delivering compost. Five million
truckloads to fertilize the country's corn
crop. Now, that would be a carbon
Our thanks to Heather Hansen of WFFF for
passing it along.
Terry Witt, OFS Executive Director
By Blake Hurst, July 30, 2009 - Journal of
the American Enterprise Institute
Farming has always been messy and painful,
and bloody and dirty. It still is. This is
something the critics of industrial
farming never seem to understand.
I'm dozing, as I often do on airplanes,
but the guy behind me has been
blabbingnonstop for nearly three hours. I
finally admit defeat and start some
serious eavesdropping. He's talking about
food, damning farming, particularly
livestock farming, compensating for his
lack of knowledge with volume.
I'm so tired of people who wouldn't visit
a doctor who used a stethoscope instead of
an MRI demanding that farmers like me use
1930s technology to raise food. Farming
has always been messy and painful, and
bloody and dirty. It still is.
But now we have to listen to
self-appointed experts on airplanes
frightening their seatmates about the
profession I have practiced for more than
30 years. I'd had enough. I turned around
and politely told the lecturer that he
ought not believe everything he reads. He
quieted and asked me what kind of farming
I do. I told him, and when he asked if I
used organic farming, I said no, and left
it at that. I didn't answer with the first
thought that came to mind, which is simply
this: I deal in the real world, not
superstitions, and unless the consumer
absolutely forces my hand, I am about as
likely to adopt organic methods as the
Wall Street Journal is to publish their
next edition by setting the type by hand.
Agriculture Secretary Vilsack Announces New
Direction and Vision for America's Forests
SEATTLE, August 14, 2009 - Agriculture
Secretary Tom Vilsack today outlined his
vision for the future of our nation's
forests. In his first major speech regarding
the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Forest
Service, Vilsack set forth a new direction
for conservation, management, and
restoration of these natural treasures.
"Our nation's forestlands, both public and
private, are environmental and economic
assets that are in critical need of
restoration and conservation," said Vilsack.
"By using a collaborative management
approach with a heavy focus on restoring
these natural resources, we can make our
forests more resilient to climate change,
protect water resources, and improve forest
health while creating jobs and
Climate change, catastrophic fires, disease
and pests have all led to declining forest
health in recent decades. The resulting
impact on watersheds, the climate, local
economies, wildlife, and recreation, has led
the USDA to offer a new vision for our
nation's forests. By taking forest
management in a new direction, the
Department will emphasize the role our
national forestlands play in contributing to
the health and prosperity of the country and
reverse the trend of declining forest
"Declining forest health and the effects of
our changing climate have resulted in an
increasing number of catastrophic wildfires
and insect outbreaks," said Vilsack. "It is
time for a change in the way we view and
manage America's forestlands with an eye
towards the future. This will require a new
approach that engages the American people
and stakeholders in conserving and restoring
both our National Forests and our
privately-owned forests. It is essential
that we reconnect Americans across the
nation with the natural resources and
landscapes that sustain us."
In addition, the new approach to managing
our forests aims to secure the nation's
water supply. Watersheds with a large
proportion of forest cover are more likely
to be associated with good water quality,
with forests protecting soil, moderating
streamflow, supporting healthy aquatic
systems, and sustaining good water quality.
President Obama's American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act is one component of this
new direction that USDA has already begun to
implement. Through the Recovery Act, the
Obama Administration is funding 512 projects
that will create jobs restoring our nation's
private, state and national forests through
hazardous fuel reduction, forest health
protection, rehabilitation, and hazard
mitigation activities. Nearly 170 of these
projects will help maintain our forests to
reduce the potential for fires. Meanwhile,
thirty of these projects, funded at $57
million, will promote the development of
biofuels from woody biomass to help private
sector businesses establish renewable energy
infrastructure, create green jobs and build
a new, green economy for the 21st century.
The U.S. Forest Service manages national
forests and grasslands encompassing 193
million acres of land, which is an area
equivalent to the size of Texas. With over
80% of the forest area in the United States
outside of the National Forest System, the
new vision seeks to increase public-private
cooperation regarding the conservation and
restoration practices to non-federal forests
- state, tribal and private forest lands.
The Administration's plan calls for the U.S.
Forest Service to play a leading role in the
development of new markets to sustain the
economic viability of forest stewardship and
provide landowners with economic incentives
to maintain and restore forests.
National forestlands produce economic
benefits from a diverse range of sources
including recreation and more than 200
hydroelectric plants operated in national
forest watersheds. With more than 192
million visitors to National Forests in
2008, local communities throughout the
country benefit economically from those who
recreate on and near forestlands and
high-quality water bodies protected by
forested watersheds.
- A healthy and prosperous America relies
on the health of our nation's forests:
Nearly 87% of all of the country's fresh
water supply originates from forests and
agricultural lands and more than 200 million
people rely on their drinking water from
public and private forests and grasslands;
- 53% of the Nation's total water supply
originates from public and private forest
- More than 900 cities rely on national
forest watersheds;
- 3,400 public water systems serving 66
million people in 33 states are supplied by
watersheds with Forest Service land;
- Public and private forests in the 20
Northeastern and Midwestern States help to
protect more the 1,600 drinking water
supplies supplying more than 4 trillion
gallons per day to households of more than
52 million Americans;
- 80% of the forest area in the United
States is outside of the National Forest
- The estimated annual value of water from
national forests for in-stream uses is at
least $3.7 billion.
Wind Power for Communities: A Workshop
for Residents of Rural Oregon
Sustainable Energy for Economic Development is
pleased to present a workshop for rural
landowners, public officials and community
members interested in learning more about wind
energy development. Workshop attendees will come
away with the knowledge and tools they need to
ensure wind developments, large and small,
result in the greatest local benefit. The
workshops will include an introduction to modern
wind technology, the various scales of wind
development and state incentives and policies
effecting wind energy projects. Afternoon
break-out sessions with subject matter experts
focused on small/community wind projects and
landowner participation in large-scale wind
projects will also be offered.
All workshops are open to the public with a
registration fee of $35.00. A light lunch will
be provided. Registration will close on
September 9th, 2009. Exhibitor options are
available. Please follow this
link for more information.
Space is limited, register early!
Workshops are offered in two locations:
September 23, 2009 in LaGrande, OR
Ag Service Center - OSU Extension Office
10507 N Mcalister Rd # 9
LaGrande, OR 97850-8716
8:30am - 3:00pm
Register Now - LaGrande
September 24, 2009 in The Dalles, OR
Columbia Gorge Discover Center
5000 Discovery Drive
The Dalles, OR 97058
8:30am - 3:00pm
Register Now - The Dalles
Sponsored by the Energy Trust of Oregon and
Northwest Sustainable Energy for Economic
Obama Administration Names Lynn Voigt to
Serve as State Executive Director for the Farm
Service Agency of Oregon
Our congratulations to Lynn Voigt!
WASHINGTON, August 25, 2009 - The Obama
Administration today announced that Lynn Voigt
will serve as Oregon State Executive Director
for the
Farm Service Agency at the USDA.
"Lynn Voigt has a solid understanding of the
challenges and opportunities facing our rural
communities and will help build on the Obama
Administration's efforts to rebuild and
revitalize rural America," said Agriculture
Secretary Tom Vilsack.
Voigt has served for over 40 years in the Farm
Service Agency and its predecessor the Farmers
Home Administration. He currently serves as
Oregon Farm Service Agency Loan Chief. He
received the Secretary of Agriculture's
"Secretary's Honor Award" for helping develop
a mentoring
and leadership program for FSA Farm Loan
Chiefs, and received the President's "Service
Award" for more than 5,000 hours of volunteer
service to the USAgencies federal employee
based credit union. Voigt has been married to
Sue Voigt for 39 years. Their son John and his
wife Libby have a newborn son named Jayden.
USDA's Farm Services Agency works to increase
economic opportunity and improve the quality
of life for rural Americans. Some of the
agency's efforts include facilitating income
support, disaster assistance and conservation
programs, providing operating loans for the
procurement of farm equipment, seed and
fertilizer, as well as offering ownership
loans to help new and veteran producers
purchase a farm. FSA also works to procure
various commodities to benefit low-income
families through
domestic food assistance programs.
The USDA provides leadership on food,
agriculture and natural resources and touches
the life of every American. Reflecting
President Obama's
commitment to expanding economic opportunities
in rural America, Agriculture Secretary Tom
Vilsack and the USDA are working to enhance
availability of broadband, promote the
development of renewable energy, to conserve,
maintain and improve our natural resources and
environment, and promote a sustainable, safe,
sufficient and nutritious food supply.
Agriculture Secretary Vilsack Announces
Availability of Value Added Producer Grants
MODESTO, Calif., Aug. 26, 2009 - Agriculture
Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced that USDA
will soon be accepting applications for grants
to assist agricultural producers seeking to add
value to the commodities they produce.
Approximately $18 million will be awarded
"These grants strengthen rural economies and
create jobs by helping farmers and ranchers add
value to their agricultural products by using
them for planning activities such as feasibility
studies, marketing and business plans, or for
working capital," Vilsack said. "This program
also supports President Obama's goal to expand
our nation's renewable energy resources by
helping farmers develop renewable energy from
agricultural products."
Vilsack highlighted a past grant recipient in
Ohio as an example of how local producers have
used USDA's Value Added Producer Grant funds to
expand markets for locally grown produce. The
Chef's Garden, Inc., in Huron, Ohio, received a
$97,500 grant to explore the feasibility of
processing and marketing products derived from
locally-grown produce. The 40-year-old company
has completed market research efforts and is now
selecting products to market to consumers. The
company projects a 20 percent increase in sales.
USDA plans to award planning grants of up to
$100,000 and working capital grants of up to
$300,000 to successful applicants. Applicants
are encouraged to propose projects that use
existing agricultural products in
non-traditional ways or merge agricultural
products with technology in creative ways.
Businesses of all sizes may apply, but priority
will be given to operators of small and
medium-sized family farms - those with average,
annual gross sales of less than $700,000.
Applicants must provide matching funds equal to
the amount of the grant requested. Ten percent
of the funding being made available is reserved
for beginning farmers or ranchers and socially
disadvantaged farmers or ranchers. An additional
10 percent is reserved for projects involving
local and regional supply networks that link
independent producers with businesses and
cooperatives that market value-added products.
Paper and electronic applications must be
submitted to the Rural Development state office
in the state where the project will be located.
A list of state offices is available at
Electronic applications must be submitted
www.Grants.gov The Department will publish
the official notice for funding availability in
the Federal Register within the next week, and
will begin accepting applications at that time.
USDA Rural Development's mission is to increase
economic opportunity and improve the quality of
life for rural residents. Rural Development
fosters growth in homeownership, finances
business development and supports the creation
of critical community and technology
infrastructure. Further information on rural
programs is available at a local USDA Rural
Development office or by visiting USDA Rural
Development's web site at
Plum Appointments Rile Republican Lawmakers
Jeff Mapes, The Oregonian
August 24, 2009
When three Oregon legislators recently jumped
into high-paying state jobs, it reignited the
controversy about the big increase they will get
in their pay and pension benefits.
Republican legislative leaders say it raises
potential conflict-of-interest issues and are
promoting legislation that would require a
waiting period before lawmakers can move into
state jobs.
The Republicans also may try to change state
pension law so that legislators can't leverage
their service in the Legislature into much
larger pensions after only a few years in the
executive branch. That's because pensions in the
Oregon Public Employees Retirement System are
based on both years of service and the three
highest years of salary.
The Democratic legislators moving into the new
jobs say they gained the jobs on merit and
dismissed the criticism as partisan politics.
This issue has long been debated in the Capitol,
where many legislators gain valuable contacts
and skills that help them move into government
or lobbying jobs. Those jobs pay far more than
the $21,612 a year that part-time legislators
In 2007, legislators passed an ethics reform
bill that required lawmakers to wait for the end
of the next legislative session before they
could become a paid lobbyist.
House Minority Leader Bruce Hanna, R-Roseburg,
said Republicans will pursue a bill in the
February session that would require a similar
waiting period for lawmakers before they can
take a job in the executive branch.
"Oregonians should feel confident that
legislators are not using their positions to
obtain higher-paying jobs in state government,"
said Hanna, calling it a "fairness and equity
Without majorities in either the House or
Senate, however, Republicans acknowledge they
have little chance to win approval for any
significant legislation in February.
The latest flurry of moves into the executive
branch came weeks after the past legislative
Then-Sen. Vicki Walker, D-Eugene, was appointed
by Gov. Ted Kulongoski to become chairwoman of
the state parole board and will earn $97,020 a
year. Rep. Larry Galizio, D-Tigard, took a
$95,380-a-year job with the state university
system acting as a liaison to community
colleges. And then-Sen. Margaret Carter,
D-Portland, took a $121,872-a-year position as
deputy director of the Department of Human
"I am one of those people who have been around
enough that I don't need a job," said Carter,
73, who has been a legislator since 1985. "It is
my passion that is taking me to the Department
of Human Resources."
She said she could live comfortably on her
pension from her work as a counselor at Portland
Community College as well as from Social
Security and the equity in her home in the
Irvington neighborhood. Carter said she didn't
even know how much she would make in her new job
until she read about it in the newspaper.
Besides receiving a major boost in pay, Carter
could also significantly increase her pension
after a few years in her new position.
She said she retired in 1999 from Portland
Community College, meaning she has 10 years of
legislative service she can eventually credit
toward her pension. The pension will be based on
her total years of service and her three highest
years of salary.
Walker, 53, said it was time for her "to get
paid for the value of your work," but she added
she was confident that the governor appointed
her to the job on the basis of merit. Like many
lawmakers, Walker said, she was forced to
scramble to make ends meet while devoting so
much time to a low-paying legislative post.
Walker, who entered the Legislature in 1999,
said she hasn't paid any attention to how her
new job will affect her pension.
"I couldn't even tell you how many years I have
to work in an executive branch job to get a bump
in my legislative pension," she said.
However, based on PERS formulas, her pension
would increase by at least four times in the
next three years compared with what it would be
if she stayed in the Legislature for that same
Hanna said that kind of big increase is a
"It might provide too much false incentive in
terms of, 'If I can just nail down that job for
the last three years of my career, I get bigger
numbers,'" he said.
House Majority Leader Mary Nolan, D-Portland,
said Republicans didn't deal with this issue
when they ran the House before 2007 in a period
when the governor appointed several Republican
legislators to agency positions.
"It's frustrating to me that they came up with
this after the governor found a few Democrats
who are qualified" for executive branch jobs,
she said.
Tim Knopp, who was majority leader when the
Republicans ran the House in 2003, said he did
push unsuccessfully to remove legislators from
"There is too much opportunity for that to be
manipulated and misused," Knopp said. He added
that through the years, both "Republican and
Democratic legislators have been hired for state
jobs that have substantially improved their
financial situation."
Please contact us with any questions or
Terry, Paulette and Sandi
Are You a Dues Paying Member of OFS?
Oregonians for Food and Shelter (OFS) relies solely
on contributions from our membership for funding.
The "anti's" are more engaged than ever to curb or
eliminate your right to use pesticides and
fertilizers in your business and your home.
We also have the capability to accept payments by
credit card. If this is an option you'd like to
consider, please give Sandi a call at 503-370-8092.
OFS Evening of Champions
September 24, 2009
Keizer Community Center
6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Don't miss this fun evening and great opportunity to
mingle with Oregon legislators, agency officials and
other decision makers, influencers and friends.
Enjoy some of Oregon's fine wine and hors d'oeuvres,
as we honor our "2009 Champions."
This year we're departing from our past sit-down
dinner and will be honoring several of our members
as well as deserving legislators. Heavy hors
d'ouvres, a hosted bar and our silent auction will
begin at 6:00 p.m. with a short program starting at
about 8:00. This year's ticket price has been
reduced to $100. Please come and support your 2009
"Champions" and OFS.
For further information and/or tickets contact
Sandi at the OFS office.
sandi@ofsonline.org or 503-370-8092.
Golf Anyone?
Upcoming Golf Opportunities
Monsanto - Oregon Farm Bureau Classic Golf
Stone Creek Golf Club
Oregon City, OR
Tuesday, September 22,
Shotgun Start: 1:00 pm
Dinner: 5:30 pm
For further information, contact Katie Fast at the
Farm Bureau office at 503-399-1701 or email her at
Town Halls with Senator Jeff Merkley
Deschutes County Town Hall
7 p.m.
Summit High School
2855 NW Clearwater DR
Bend, OR
WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 2 Prineville, Fossil
Crook County Town Hall
11:30 a.m.
Crook County Library
Bratten Room
175 NW Meadow Lakes Drive
Prineville, OR
Wheeler County Town Hall
5:30 p.m.
Family Services Building
401 4th Street
Fossil, OR
Boardman, LaGrande, Enterprise
Morrow County Town Hall
10 a.m.
Port of Morrow
River Front Room
2 Marine Dr.
Boardman, OR
Union County Town Hall
2:30 p.m.
Union County Senior Center
1504 Albany St.
La Grande, OR
Wallowa County Town Hall
7 p.m.
Enterprise Senior Center
702 NW 1st
Enterprise, OR
Baker City, Ontario
Baker County Town Hall
11 a.m.
Baker City Armory
1640 Campbell St.
Baker City, OR
Malheur County Town Hall
5:30 p.m. (Mountain Time)
Treasure Valley Community College
Weese Building, Room 10
650 College Blvd.
Ontario, OR
Canyon City, Burns
Grant County Town Hall
1:30 p.m.
Canyon City Community Hall
Theater Room
131 S. Washington
Canyon City, OR
Harney County Town Hall
5 p.m.
Harney County Senior and
Community Services Center
17 S. Alder
Burns, OR
Lake County Town Hall
1 p.m.
Lake County Senior Center
11 North G Street
Lakeview, OR