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Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
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What’s racist, what’s not regarding Tribes?

Herald and News Letter to the Editor by Steve Rapalyea, Vice-Chairman, The Klamath Basin Alliance June 12, 2009

I need some clarification. As I understand it from the Tribes’ last letter, if you are for equal rights for all citizens or oppose what the Tribal leadership wants, you are a racist. However, if you want special set-a-sides, lands and privileges as well as taxpayer money based on a racial identity, you are not racist.

Also, when Herald and News reporter Ty Beaver sits in on a commissioners’ or town-hall meeting and takes notes, is he not allowed to report on people opposed to the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement or is this of his own choosing? After all, why hear from all sides?

As for a solution to irrigators’ water problems, how about using the Klamath Basin Compact, which has been law since 1957, and stop using extortion and “ex post facto” laws to get PacifiCorp. and the project irrigator’s to support the KBRA.

As for the poll on this issue contracted by state Sen. Doug Whitsett and state representatives George Gilman and Bill Garrard, I do not know how the questions could have been more straight forward.

Our thanks to these lawmakers for having the courage to take the initiative to get to the truth on important issues.

by Steve Rapalyea, Vice-Chairman, The Klamath Basin Alliance


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