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Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
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Write governor to stop anti-dam agreement

June 9, 2009 Herald and News letter to the editor by Howard Paine, Chiloquin
     The Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement was nothing more than a fraud. It was conducted in secret by a few representatives and the public was denied a place at the table. Now they want the public (Pacific Power ratepayers) to foot the bill for dam removal.

    On the surface, the agreement appears to be a cozy deal cooked up between farmers and the Klamath Tribes. Why is public money being used to buy the Mazama Tree Farm for the Tribes? The Tree Farm has nothing to do with water.

    It has been falsely publicized that our power rates will only increase $1.50 per month. 

    Those dams provide clean renewable power for 70,000 households. Guess who will pay for building more power plants to replace that lost power.  It will be you.  Senate Bill 76 is working its way through the Oregon Legislature to authorize that increase.

    Please write to the governor and stop this nonsense now. Do it today, before your power rates double. 

    His address: Gov. Ted Kulongoski, 160 State Capitol, 900 Court St., Salem, OR 97301-4047.      

Howard Paine


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