Archive 81 -
February 2009
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Around 1900, Link River,
between Upper Klamath Lake and Lake
occasionally went dry before
the Klamath Project was built. There
was no hydropower, no hatcheries,
occasionally no fish (fish need
water), no artificially-raised river
flows or lake levels.
HERE for more
Oregon Senator Doug
Whitsett newsletter, Budget and Revenue: "The
reductions in funding for the Judicial Branch of government were
so severe that they will result in the closure of all state courts
every Friday from March 13, 2009 through June 30, 2009..."
posted to KBC 2/28/09
U.S. Gov't Accountability Office testimony on Potential Effects
and factors to consider in a move of the Forest Service into
the Department of the Interior, posted 2/28/09
Delta Town Hall
meeting in Walnut Grove (6/24/08) questions to regarding the
taking of their irrigation water. http: //ww
should people pay for (Klamath) dam removal?
by Rick Sonerholm, letter to
editor H&YN posted to KBC 2/27/09. "A 1896 study of
Klamath Basin aquaculture by Barton Warren Evermann, S.E. Meek
and A.B. Alexander, described Upper Klamath Lake this way:
“Very shallow, vast amounts of decaying vegetation carried
into it and the ever-increasing area of tule lands render it
more shallow year by year. Water quality degradation in the
Upper Klamath Lake watershed has led to large-scale fish kills
related to algal bloom cycles in the lake. This has probably
always been a problem, even prior to farming and ranching in
the area. The source of the lake’s nutrients was volcanic
(Radanovich) launches effort to ease ESA, Capital Press,
posted 2/27/09. "Radanovich, who has represented the 19th
Congressional District for seven terms, said he has the
support from his Valley colleagues and hopes to convince both
California senators of the importance of keeping water flowing
to farmers."
Obama’s budget brings strong ag
reaction, 2/27/09, by Forrest Laws, Farm Press Editorial
Lawmakers seek billions to expand, improve California's water
supply, LA Times 2/27/09.
California Farm
Bureau Federation Friday Review (of Bills), 2/27/09
water bond proposals, one from Senator Dean Florez
(D-Shafter), and another from Senator Dave Cogdill (R-Fresno)
were introduced this week for the purpose of financing water
supply reliability and environmental restoration programs"
Schwarzenegger declares Calif. drought emergency, Capital
Press 2/27/09
groups need to get angry, Capital Press, posted 2/27/09
Supreme Court
redefines tribal and federal understandings of IRA;
Tribes may seek Congressional fix,
Indian Country Today 2/27/09
Water hopes
drying up, Capital Press 2/27/09
Uncompensated Takings by Susan Sutton (regarding
California Delta water takings) 2/25/09
Tie 'em to
a tree so they can visit with the spotted owls, Pioneer
Press, posted to KBC 2/25/09 by Margo Perryman
Speaks on House Floor to Expose Democrat Grab for Vast New
Climate Change Powers Hidden in Spending Bill,
House Natural Resource
Committee News Release 2/25/09
Interior’s Delay on OCS
Leasing is really a Moratorium, House Natural Resource
Committee 2/25/09
judge gives federal government three more months on new rules
to protect endangered fish, McClatchy Newspapers, posted
to KBC 2/25/09
$740 Million Goes to States for Fish and Wildlife Projects;
Pacific Region States Receive $57 Million, FWS News
Release, posted 2/25/09
Revised Critical
Habitat Designated for Canada Lynx, FWS, posted 2/25/09.
miles fall within the boundaries of the revised critical
habitat designation....Excluded
areas include: Tribal lands..."
Center for Biological Diversity Declares Legal War on Global
Warming, WBRT 2/25/09
certiorari to the united states court of appeals for the
first circuit, No. 07-526. Argued November 3, 2008--Decided
February 24, 2009. (KBC Note: a case of Tribes trying to
acquire and put land into trust.)
Summary, comments end Camp, Dresser and McKee report,
Siskiyou Daily News 2/24/09.
Congressman Greg Walden's Oregon Congressional Connection,
2/24/09. "Another
common frustration I heard was with the rushed, closed-door
process that produced the stimulus bill. A complete copy of
the legislation was placed online for the first time at
midnight on Feb. 12; then voted on a little over 12 hours
later. Not even speed-reading legend Evelyn Wood could have
read through all 1,073 pages of the bill in time to vote."
Slip Rider into Omnibus Appropriations Bill Allowing the
Interior Department to Regulate Greenhouse Gas Emissions,
House Committee on Natural Resources 2/24/09
Farm Alliance:
February 2009 "Monthly Briefing"
(PDF) posted
* Final Family Farm Alliance
Conference Schedule
* Stimulus Package Includes $1 Billion for USBR
* Alliance Sends Spending Rx to Cabinet Secretaries
* Congress Sets up New Water Committees
* Bob Johnson Joins Water Consult
* Thanks to our Donors!
Obama Releases
Terrorist Binyam Mohamed, Move America Forward 2/24/09
S. Ore. (Savage
Rapids) dam awaits removal; questions raised, posted to
KBC 2/24/09
Klamath Hydroelectric Project (FERC 2082), Water Quality
Certification, request to extend the February 23, 2009
comment deadline for scoping comments, sent to KBC by Ca State
Water Resources Control Board, posted to KBC 2/23/09. Go
for more info on what comments the board is looking for.
Respecting Siskiyou County Resolution, Pioneer Press,
posted to KBC 2/23/09. "...California
Republican Party; Endorses, the Siskiyou County Republican
Central Committee's support of the Siskiyou County Board of
Supervisors resolutions; opposing dam removal, and proposed
solutions for the Klamath Basin,..."
No Feud between Cowboys, Indians,
Shasta Indian, County
Republicans unite against dam removal,
Pioneer Press, posted to KBC 2/23/09
Removing (Klamath) Dams, H&N 2/23/09
6 boys and 13 hands
- see our Military Page
does your power bill pay for? and Breaking down a power bill,
H&N, posted 2/23/09. Source-PacifiCorp
Obama signs 4th
pro-union regulation; Projects must aid Big Labor,
Washington Times, posted to KBC 2/23/09. "This
executive order encouraging all federal agencies to adopt
discriminatory, union-only project labor agreements is a
shameless giveaway to Big Labor, which spent over a billion
dollars to get Obama and pro-forced-unionism Democrats elected
last year," said Stefan Gleason, vice president of the
National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation."
Report Highlights Extensive Economic Benefits from Offshore
Drilling, Over a Million New Jobs Would be Created, House
Committee on Natural Resources 2/23/09
Comments due regarding Klamath Dams
for Ca. Water Board.
Shasta Nation Supports Siskiyou County Resolution,
Pioneer Press, posted 2/23/09.
"Let it be duly noted that the Shasta Nation
recognizes green-energy, and supports hydro-power currently in
place within Shasta Nation territory."
Potential socio-economic liabilities discussed in (Klamath
Dam) report, Siskiyou Daily News, posted 2/23/09
California Farm
Bureau Federation Friday Review…legislative update posted
to KBC 2/23/09. More
Salmon and Hydro,
An Account of Litigation over Federal Columbia River Power
System Biological Opoinions for Salmon and Steelhead,
1991-2009, February 2009 by CB Bulletin
Liability concerns part of (Klamath) discussion, H&N
Drought to Cut Off Federal Water
to Calif. Farms,
Newsmax, posted to KBC 2/23/09
Preseason Run
Forecasts Show Improved Coho, Fall Chinook Numbers For This
Year, CB Bulletin, posted 2/23/09
Small farmers
irked by water cutback, Capital Press, posted 2/23/09
Family Farm Alliance Water Infrastructure Recommendations,
posted 2/23/09
Department of Interior report,
H&N, posted to KBC 2/22/09. "A
recently released Department of Interior report that indicates
liability costs for removing four Klamath River dams could be
between $466 billion and $837 billion."
Why help ‘sex-crazed’ salmon return to spawn? H&N letter
by H W Payne, 2/22/09
Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett Newsletter 2/20/09.
"Explanation of the Budget Forecast,"
"Contemplated Closure of Kingsley Field."
life in lumber, Claud Olsen, H&N, posted to KBC
why taxes can rise when property values drop, posted
to KBC 2/22/09 by Klamath County Assessor Reg LeQuieu
traditions, Jaternice
dinner celebrates Czech heritage,
H&N, posted to KBC 2/22/09
may help Klamath irrigation; locals have been
lobbying two federal departments, posted to KBC 2/22/09
the season to remember the reason for water storage,
H&N, posted to KBC 2/22/09
Oregon Senate passes Klamath bill on dam removal funding,
Capital Press 2/17/09
Agriculture in
danger if dams are removed, H&N 2/17/09, letter to
editor by Steve Rapalyea
Klamath Lake levels and River flows 2/9-2/16/09
Klamath Lake levels and River flows 2/2-2/9/09
Bull and Horse sale brings in more than $300K,
Capital Press, posted to KBC 2/17/09
Klamath Water and
Power Agency meeting
Put hard caps of costs to power users for taking out
(Klamath ) dams, H&N editorial 2/15/09. Plus KBC
Paying for folly
(Klamath hydrodam destruction) Albany Democrat Herald
Editorial, posted 2/14/09
*House Bill
2157: The $96 Million Tax Increase,
Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett
Newsletter 2/13/09. "While Congress is racing to pass
the American Recovery and Reinvestment Tax Act to help
address the economic free fall that our nation is
experiencing, your Oregon legislature raced to pass
legislation that unilaterally prohibits Oregonians from
benefiting from that stimulus package."
Not all farmers favor Klamath deal, Capital Press by
Tom Mallams, posted to KBC 2/14/09.
"... I appreciate your
mentioning the 1,850 individuals who signed petitions
against the whole plan."
gets the real dam removal money? by C.E. “Mac”
McEwen, Siskiyou Daily News, posted 2/14/09
Unemployment compensation
to be taxed in Oregon. Federally allowed rapid
depreciation for new business equipment to be disallowed;
Oregon Senate
passes bill disconnecting state income taxes from
federal tax breaks,
Oregonian 2/14/09
Local farms lose operators and acreage; Latest
agriculture census shows Klamath County losing 21 farms
in past five years, H&N, posted to KBC 2/14/09
Multitude of issues meet at Klamath, Capital Press,
posted 2/14/09. (KBC NOTE: the settlement 'agreement'
was supposed to be public Jan. 2008, however since draft
11, it has been negotiated extensively in close-door
meetings, Reps have been lobbied by the few at the
settlement table, Calif and Oregon governors and
PacifiCorp have agreed to dam removal pending studies
and funding, and Senate Bill 76 is Oregon legislation to
fund dam removal. NO public information,
transparency. We the public aren't allowed to read what
rights the negotiators have given away. Siskiyou Co,
where 3 of the 4 hydrodams are located, is opposed to
the 'agreement'. 1850 community members are opposed to
this being rammed down their throats in top-down force
with no regard for the people's wishes.)
don’t listen, and that’s a problem, H&N
Letter to the Editor
2/14/09, Nell Kuonen, Klamath Falls, former County
Klamath proposal gains support in Legislature,
endorses plan that would remove four dams, Capital Press
"One basin
farmer in the Feb. 4 hearing handed committee members a
petition opposing the plan signed by 1,850 Klamath-area
Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. (CDM Report or Report)
costs of dam removal preface 2/12/09
CDM Report - Klamath Liability Determination
7/18/08. (Note by Siskiyou County Supervisor Marcia
Armstrong, "The
cost estimates from these reports is $800 million, but
they include the costs of impacts to Siskiyou County and
sediment removal, while the American Rivers/ dam removal
proponent's studies do not. These are additional costs
for all the impacts and issues that Siskiyou County has
raised which have not been considered/mitigated in
either the KBRA or the AIP.")
Klamath dam removal bill
clears senate committee,
Oregonian 2/12/09. "The bill (SB76)
passed the Senate Environment and Natural Resource
Committee, 4-1, and could go before the full Senate as
early as next week."
Proposed Amendments to Senate Bill SB76, posted to
KBC 2/12/09
Don’t use power rates for dam removal costs, H&N
Ken Rykbost comments on book by Dan Tarlock and
Holly Doremus, Water War in the Klamath Basin,
addressing some of the myths in the following article
the same authors: The Klamath Basin: The Tricky Business
of Water Rights in the West, by
Dan Tarlock and Holly Doremus, Center for Progressive
Reform, posted to KBC 2/12/09
Legislators hear Klamath deal’s pros, cons;
Sweeping proposal would
require four dams to be removed,
Capital Press, posted
2/7/09. Rancher and hay farmer Tom Mallams, meanwhile,
handed committee members a petition signed by 1,850
farmers and ranchers in the basin opposing the plan.
Water Wars Wage
in Fresno, KMPH Fox News26.
2/4/09, Lloyd Carter, CA. Board
member of Water Impact Network and President of CA Save
Our Streams council was on a panel debating Delta
farmers and farm workers;
parent raises their child to be a farm worker? These
kids are the least educated people in America or the
southwest corner of this Valley. They turn to lives of
crime. They go on welfare. They get into drug
trafficking and they join gangs."
Note: this is the anti-American mentality of well-funded
groups trying to rewild the West and decimate our
livelihoods, our people, our infrastructure (dams), and
our farm supplies.)
Bleeding Heart Bureaucrats, Craig Chenoweth, Edna,
Family Farm Alliance
Conference March 5-6.
Senator Doug
Whitsett newsletter 2/6/09: Klamath dam demolition,
destination resorts, real estate transfer tax, and stimulus
California Farm
Bureau Federation Friday Review 2/6/09
Benefit dinner in memory of Nicholas Huffman,
and raffle
Tribe and Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen sued Calif
Dept of Fiah and Game to shut down suction dredge mining on
the Klamath River, 2/5/09.
Voids Drilling Leases On Public Lands in Utah, Washington
Post 2/5/09. "Interior
Secretary Ken Salazar yesterday canceled oil and gas leases on
77 parcels of federal land after opponents said the drilling
would blight Utah's scenic southeastern corner"...Kathleen
Sgamma, director of government affairs for the Independent
Petroleum Association of Mountain States, said natural gas
producers in Utah and the intermountain West produce more than
a quarter of the country's natural gas on less than 1 percent
of its public land. 'We wonder why the administration is
implementing policies that will limit economic development in
the West, decrease energy security and make addressing climate
change even more difficult.' "
Water Wars Wage
in Fresno, KMPH Fox News26. 2/4/09, Lloyd Carter, CA. Board
member of Water Impact Network and President of CA Save
Our Streams council was on a panel debating Delta
farmers and farm workers;
parent raises their child to be a farm worker? These
kids are the least educated people in America or the
southwest corner of this Valley. They turn to lives of
crime. They go on welfare. They get into drug
trafficking and they join gangs."
Note: this is the anti-American mentality of well-funded
groups trying to rewild the West and decimate our
livelihoods, our people, our infrastructure (dams), and
our farm supplies.)
Ted Kulongoski, Who’s he represent? Willamette Weekly 2/4/09.
"This week’s Rogue,
Gov. Ted Kulongoski, seems to have forgotten he represents
Oregonians—550,000 of whom are PacifiCorp customers—rather than
the Karuk - "They're liars",
Chairman Roy Hall, Jr., Vice Chairman Gary Lake, Shasta Nation,
Pioneer Press 2/4/09. "There
are MANY Karuk Tribal Members that are attempting to recall and
depose their current Tribal Council leadership."
(Klamath) dam removal really the best option?
by Rex Cozzalio, Siskiyou Daily
News, posted to KBC 2/3/09
Power bill gets hearing, Bill would increase PacifiCorp rates to
pay for removing 4 dams, H&N 2/4/09
Transparency and Open
Government; Memorandum
for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies, from
President Obama, posted 2/4/09. (KBC editor note: why
does not this apply to the Department of the Interior that is
pushing a possibly multi-billion dollar Klamath dam removal
agenda and tribal land gift, and immense downsize of
agriculture in the Klamath Basin, demanding closed-door
meetings, not allowing the PEOPLE effected to see the latest
document that will control our water and land rights, and not
allowing some established agricultural groups at the table?
Why does not this apply to National Marine Fishery Service who
will not allow us citizens to see the latest biological
opinion that could make us pump all our stored irrigation
water into the Klamath River? Not to mention Fish and Wildlife
Service, Bureau of Indian Affairs, and a pack of other
agencies at the Klamath Settlement table. Are you allowed to
attend these meetings? Have you seen the latest edition of
Draft 11? The advocates of these closed-door meetings have
already drafted a bill for you power ratepayers to fund much
of the agreement that you haven't seen. This isn't the freedom
my father fought to defend).
Water and Power Agency public board meeting.
Today around 100 people drove to
Salem to testify at a hearing on Senate Bill 76, Klamath dam
removal financing.. Up to $4.5 billion, according to FERC
report, is the pricetag. 1800
petitions from Karuk tribal members, Siskiyou
County residents, on and off Project irrigators and community
members signed petitions opposing SB76, and these were
submitted to the senators. Signers oppose the Klamath Basin
Restoration Agreement. Advocates of SB76 tried to convince the
senators and media that there is no opposition.
Testimony on
Oregon Senate Bill 76, by Gail Hildreth Whitsett 2/3/09
Doug Whitsett testimony of Senate Bill 76, posted 2/3/09. SB#76
Testimony of Oregon SB 76 by Rex
Cozzalio 2/3/09, at
the Salem Senate committee hearing
Richard A. Gierak's testimony at the Oregon Commission
meeting in Salem opposing SB 76, 2/2/09. Gierak has Bachelor Degrees in Biology &
Chemistry, Doctorate in the Healing Arts, Former FERC
team member 2001, 2002.
before the Oregon Senate Environmental and Natural Resources
Committee, Hearing
on SB 76,
Katherine Lehman 2/3/09
Bill may raise power rates;
Governor’s proposal is part of
Klamath water settlement, H&N 2/3/09. "A
study from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission indicates
removal of that sediment could cost up to $500,000 per
acre-foot, or up to $4.5 billion." "Opponents criticize the
bill for being too open-ended, allowing PacifiCorp to raise
rates at will for its half-million Oregon customers,
potentially as much as $35 to $65 more per month."
Klamath Lake Levels and River Flows 1/25/09-2/01/09
Principles, Politics and Protest, guest opinion by Craig
Chenoweth, Etna, CA. "Expose
the waste and wrong doings before we can participate with
them." 2/3/09
reports available to public; Removal of the Klamath dams would
affect regions in both Siskiyou County and southeastern
Oregon, Siskiyou Daily News 2/3/09
State, local jobless rates soar (9.3) Sac Bee, posted to
KBC 2/1/09
Calif. panel rejects new
offshore oil drilling,
Sac Bee, posted 2/1/09.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and other members of the
California congressional delegation who also expressed concern
that approving a drilling proposal could undercut their
efforts to reintroduce the federal moratorium."
Lemmings, Disband! by
Jim Beers, posted to KBC 2/1/09