Archive 85 -
June 2009
also see
main archive page
Around 1900, Link River,
between Upper Klamath Lake and Lake
occasionally went dry before
the Klamath Project was built. There
was no hydropower, no hatcheries,
occasionally no fish (fish need
water), no artificially-raised river
flows or lake levels.
HERE for more
"Let's call the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement what it is -
many wolves and a sheep sitting down to decide what's for dinner.
It's a trade where special interests bargained away the health,
safety and property of those not permitted to participate in the
back room secretive process. These interests cannot just
"celebrate consensus" in a vacuum - wishing away the large number
of people who are opposed to and potentially injured by this deal
with the devil."
by Siskiyou County Supervisor Marcia Armstrong.
The Following from our KBRA
page of opposition:
1850 petitions were signed opposing the KBRA from Karuk
Members, Siskiyou County, Klamath
Basin Alliance, Project
irrigators and Off-Project
* Siskiyou County, Home of 3 Klamath River dams
* Klamath Off-Project Water Users Association
* Klamath Basin Alliance
* Resource Conservancy serving 125,000 Off-Project irrigated
* Water for Life
* Klamath Natural Resources Advisory Council
* Klamath County Republican Central Committee
* Siskiyou County Republican Central Committee
* 33 Siskiyou County Granges
* 60 California Republican Women's groups
* Shasta Nation
* Oregon Cattlemen's Association
* According to Klamath County Commissioners, 90% of callers
oppose dam removal, a mandate in the KBRA
Klamath County registered
Only 11%
favor Klamath dam removal,
* 7% favor public purchase
of reservation land for the Tribes
* 5% favor the closed and confidential
negotiations involved in developing the KBRA and the AIP.
KBRA Videos and
Petitions |
Klamath Basin Agreement “Within Reach;”
Sets September Deadline for Final Deal on Potential Dam Removal,
Congressman Greg Walden's Oregon Congressional Connection
Bill to
Restrict Ammunition Sales Rescheduled for Next Week, NRA
Water and Power Agency meeting 7/2/09
to Restrict Ammunition Sales Rescheduled for Next
Week, NRA 6/30/09
sends field burning scale down to governor's desk, Capital
Press 6/29/09
USFWS deny
petition to delist suckers, Capital Press, posted to KBC
Attorney James Buchal's letter to
AP writer Jeff Barnard: "I
have not seen the determination, but understand it to have
rejected any change in status for either species. If that is
the case, my comment is: "The Service's determination shows that
the political imperative to pillage the economy of the Klamath
Basin drives the Service's decisions, not good science, since
the Service rejected the opinions of its own scientists and its
own status review that called for downlisting at least one
species. "In fact, both species are in no appreciable danger of
extinction, and the lakes and ponds of the Klamath Basin are
filled with literally millions of listed suckers." 6/26/09
Feds: fish still endangered, H&N 6/27/09. "The
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service delivered a blow to Klamath Basin
irrigators Friday when
it said the Lost River and shortnosed suckers still belong on
the endangered species list."
Oregon Senator
Doug Whitsett Newsletter 6/29/09
Valley's ag, water
economics a conundrum, Fresno Bee, posted to KBC 6/29/09
California lawmakers lose bid to
change water rules,
Miami Herald , posted to KBC 6/29/09
Two Anti-Gun Bills
Scheduled to be Considered Next Week (June 30) in the Golden
State! NRA, posted to KBC 6/29/09
retired civil engineer
Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, June 2009. "I
recently completed a paper which points out through research and
personal knowledge, conditions that existed on the Klamath River
downstream from the dams and conditions that should be expected
to return with removal of those dams," Glen Briggs
- Family Farm Alliance Establishes Legal Fund to Push for Sound
Science in ESA Decision-Making, posted to KBC 6/28/09
Sunday June 28,
Prayer Page from 2001 archives by Brad Frey, formerly Tulelake.
HERE > for KBC Prayer Page.
Field Burning - Emergency Action Needed
Senate OKs field burning bill,
H&N, posted to KBC 6/27/09
(Klamath) Water issue divides GOP, H&N 6/27/09
followed by H&N
reader comments.
Klamath Basin Restoration
Agreement Page
Update from Congressman
Walden of National Energy tax, posted to KBC 6/27/09
Razor-Thin House Vote Spells Doom for Cap-and-Tax in the Senate,
Inhofe Vows
to Expose Bill in the Senate as All Cost, No Climate Gain,
posted to KBC 6/27/09 "...costly
impacts on the agricultural community"
California Farm
Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and laws June 26,
Report: Make plans for ocean coho fishing trip,
Oregonian 6/25/09. "SALEM
- The 2009 season managers have set the largest ocean coho quota
since 1992."
Preventing natural forest fires (and logging) not the greenest
idea, The Dalles Chronicle, posted to KBC 6/27/09
To Mr. Obama and the
Congress by Nita Still, letter to editor Pioneer Press,
posted to KBC 6/27/09
Deal ignores impact on Siskiyou County, Siskiyou County
Supervisor Marcia Armstrong
Guest Comment, Capital Press, posted to KBC 6/27/09
Action Alert! Senate EPW
Committee Passes Clean Water Land Grab (S 787), posted to
KBC 6/22/09
Action Alert!
NEW Field Burning
Ban Bill Introduced - SB 985, posted to KBC 6/22/09, Oregon
Farm Bureau.
may be necessary for groundwater supply, Henry McQuown,
posted to KBC 6/22/09, letter to editor H&N.
Removal of dam a dangerous decision, OP-Ed Statesman Journal
by Siskiyou County Supervisor Marcia Armstrong District 5,
posted to KBC 6/22/09
California Farm Bureau Federation
Friday Review, posted to KBC June 22, 2009. “This edition
contains detailed information on the following: The State
Budget negotiations, AB 1288, SB 448, SB 121, AB 13, AB 39, AB
49, AB 900, SB 12, SB 229, SB 261, SB 457 and SB 458.”
honor Oregon voters by defending Measure 57,
Oregon Rep Bill Garrard, district
Congressman Greg Walden's Newsletter,
posted to
KBC 6/21/09
unemployment rate hits record high, Sac Bee, posted to KBC
Carney News Release, Oregon:
Ranchers successfully defeat an attempt by environmental groups
to stop grazing on federal forest lands, posted to KBC
Judge Haggerty's
Order 6/15/09
The Governor’s
Proposed Oregon Emergency Jobs Program, Senator Doug
Whitsett Newsletter 6/18/09
Action Alert! Field Burning
Bill Moves (SB 528),
Oregon Farm Bureau 6/17/09
Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement: many wolves and a sheep,
Op-Ed by Marcia Armstrong, Siskiyou County Supervisor District
5, 6/16/09
Well, if you really want to restore things…H&N letter to
editor by Dan Sullivan, Bonanza 6/16/09. KBC NOTE:
HERE for
agenda of a KBRA 'confidential' meeting where there is
discussion of removing Link River and Keno dams.
Klamath water report 6/8/09-6/15/09
Obama targets
US public with call for climate action, Guardian News
6/16/09. "But the bill has run into strong opposition
from some Democratic members of Congress, especially those
from agricultural states who say that putting limits on
greenhouse gas emissions will hurt farmers' economic
interests. That could complicate Pelosi's plans of getting the
bill passed through various committees by this Friday, 19
June, and put to a vote next week."
Action Alert: S. 787 Clean
Water Restoration Act
To Be Marked Up Thursday,
June 18 @ 9:30 a.m. PLEASE write!
AUDIO: Modoc County Board of Supervisors June 9, 2009,
Alturas, listened to advocates and opponents of the Klamath
Basin Restoration Agreement from Modoc, Siskiyou, and Klamath
Counties. Speakers were KWUA director Greg Addington,
farmer, TID board president, board member of The Nature
Conservancy, Klamath Basin Ecosystem Foundation, Klamath Basin
Rangeland Trust, leaseland advisory board, Tulelake Growers
Association, and Klamath Water and Power Agency John Crawford,
Basin Fertilizer owner and KWUA board Bob Gasser, TID manager
Earl Donosky, farmer/rancher and KWUA board member Mike Byrne,
TID and KWUA board member and farmer Bill Heiney, farmer JW
Walker, farmer/rancher Dave DeMoulder, former KWUA board
member and local resident Bob Byrne, President Off-Project and
farmer/rancher Tom Mallams, rancher and President off-project
Resource Conservancy Roger Nicholson, rancher and chairman of
Siskiyou County Republican Central Committee Brandon Criss,
and farmer and KWUA board Scott Seus. Posted 6/16/09
Tulelake Irrigation
District well water report 6/15/09
storage best way to solve water shortage, by Cloyce
Barnes, letter to editor H&N, posted to KBC 6/15/09
Sunday Prayer Page:
encouragement "You
say: 'It's impossible'' God says:...
Please Write - Action Alert supporting
suction dredge miners,
6/14/09 from Dave Mack,
President, New 49'er Prospecting Association. "Senate Bill
670 (anti suction dredging legislation) will come up for a
vote on Tuesday, June 16th"
Action Alert, SB 519A from
Senator Whitsett, posted 6/13/09.
bill is an arbitrary obstruction of the rights to free speech
for only one group of Oregonians..."
Picking mint at
its peak; Tulelake distiller helps determine best time to
harvest, H&N, posted to KBC 6/14/09
A day at the
Capitol, H&N 6/14/09
Oregonians for Food and Shelter Legislative News posted to
KBC 6/14/09
Klamath Water Report 6/1-6/8/09
Stipulation of Conditional Withdrawal of KPWU's contest to
claims 616 and 622 and conditional and interim no-call
provisions by the United States and Klamath Tribes, signed
May 14, 2009
Attachment 1 to Stipulation
Attachment 2 to Stipulation
Attachment 3 to Stipulation
Certificate of Service of Stipulation 5/18/09
racist, what’s not regarding (Klamath) Tribes? by Steve
Rapalyea, H&N letter to editor, posted to KBC 6/13/09
Sacramento meeting to kick off
overhaul of federal forests plan,
SacBee 6/13/09, with comments to Bee. "The forest-plan
makeover kicks off at a public meeting in Sacramento July 1,
at which the U.S. Forest Service
will launch
a three-year process to revise the management plans for 14
national forests. All federal timberland from the
Sequoia National Forest
north to the Oregon border is involved."
Presentation to the Modoc County
Board of Supervisors: by
Brandon Criss,
Farmer/Rancher Macdoel CA. Masters Degree in Public
Administration from Norwich University, Chairman of the
Siskiyou County Republican Party, posted to KBC 6/13/09
Klamath Basin Bill Passes House, Office of the Speaker
Dave Hunt (D), Oregon House of Representatives 6/12/09
Oregon House passes Klamath dam bill, returns it to Senate,
Capital Press 6/12/09
Group will ask
voters to overturn Ore. business tax hikes, Capital Press
Today was a Billion Dollar
Tax Day in the Oregon Legislature
Democrats pass $733 million
in tax increases on small and family owned businesses,
Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett 6/11/09
Tax bills clear
Oregon Senate; governor expected to sign, Capital Press
prepare for historic Billion Dollar Tax Week,
Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett, 6/8/09
* 2009 Tax
Bills before the 2009 Oregon Legislative Assembly
opinion takes water from people, Capital Press editorial
Klamath farmers hope settlement leads to certainty,
AgAlert calif Farm Bureau Federation 6/10/09
governor to stop anti-dam agreement, H&N letter by Howard
Paine 6/9/09
Animal ID
critics vent objections at ag meeting, Capital Press
life of leisure;
Retirement suits LeQuieu just fine, H&N,
posted to KBC 6/6/09
(Oregon) Governor addresses local issues, H&N 6/6/09
PacifiCorp: Pact will be delayed, H&N 6/6/09
California Farm
Bureau Federation Friday Review - Legislative Update,
posted 6/6/09
Oregonians for Food and Shelter legislative update posted
snowpack assures Oregon farms water for irrigation this
summer, Oregonian, posted to KBC 6/6/09
Senate Bill 76. June 5, 2009 - Summary: "Directs
Public Utility Commission to determine depreciation schedules
for Klamath River dams based on assumption that dams will be
removed in 2020. Directs commission to allow affected public
utility to recover undepreciated amounts by imposing rates and
Commission approves coastal coho, fall chinook seasons,
ODFW 6/5/09
Agreement on dams unlikely by June 30, H&N 6/5/09
plan will protect chinook salmon, H&N 6/5/09
Items of interest in
the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement:
Draft 11
5/6/09 pdf
HERE for text
Where to Look: Chinook, steelhead, coho, and
lamprey introduced into the Klamath Basin?(KBRA11.1.2B)
Modification of Klamath Reclamation Project Purposes 15.1.3
Klamath Water and Power Agency/KWAPA considers "measures
for short-term, intermittent, long-term, and permanent
application to meet the purpose of the plan:
conservation easements, forbearance agreements,
conjunctive use programs, efficiency measures, land
acquisitions, water acquisitions, groundwater
development, groundwater substitution, other voluntary
transactions, water storage, and any other applicable
measures. 15.2.3
20.4.1. "Reservation of Rights by the Tribes. The Tribes
hereby reserve their rights to enforce any Regulatory
Approval, including biological opinions under the
Endangered Species Act, contemplated by and Consistent
with this Agreement under Applicable Law..."
21.5. Reservation. By
entering into this Agreement, NMFS and FWS are not
prejudging the outcome of any process under the ESA and
NMFS and FWS implementing regulations, and NMFS and FWS
expressly reserve the right to make determinations and
take actions as necessary to meet the requirements of
the ESA and implementing regulations.
See KBRA table
of contents for
studies and issues with climate change, refuge and
walking wetlands allocations, groundwater measuring and
control, rules for litigating, new governance,
money for tribes, restoration, endangered fish
Klamath Tribe document
of intensions - putting land
into tax-exempt trust, ...intends
to "buy back private lands....and secure funding for
purchasing retired water rights, conservation
easements...assert tribes senior water rights...expand for federal lands..."
Recently circulated agenda of a KBRA secret PAIL meeting
including mention of Keno Dam removal discussions
1/28/09 |
version of the KBRA is sparking speculation, H&N 6/4/09.
“I think people need a
voice. Any information we can get on what’s possibly going to
happen to us is something we should know.”
Doug Whitsett District 28, Newsletter:
Proposed 2009-2011 Revenue Package,
6/4/09. "The result is an estimated reduction
of 10,747 private sector jobs."
HERE for Whitsett page
Water for Life worried about dam
removal costs; Group
opposes removing four dams on the Klamath River,
H&N 6/4/09
(Tulelake) Basin farmers try new practices, H&N 6/4/09
some real studies about taking out dams, H&N posted to KBC
did they put the Klamath Basin through all of this?, guest
writer Brandon Criss, H&N, posted to KBC 6/3/09
The ‘only’ Basin water plan is not a good one, by Frank
Goodson, letter to editor H&N, posted to KBC 6/3/09
Klamath Water Report: 5/25/09-6/2/09
Bill requires all eggs sold in
California to be from cage-free hens,
Sac Bee 6/3/09
From Colby Marshall, Oregon Congressman Greg Walden's
Representative: Biomass 6/3/09
stand on KBRA disappointing,
H&N Letter to the Editor June 3, 2009 by Belinda Stewart,
Klamath Water Users Association Outreach and Project
Coordinator, along with
"Poll shows how people feel about dam removal" by Tom
KWAPA meeting 6/2/09